Thursday, November 24, 2011

Well this isn't weird, at all

I have a thick, little sketchbook which I use to brainstorm ideas for my art. All the sketches in it are very small and rough. It's simply my way of visually jotting down whatever comes to mind. Only one out of 15-20 ideas ever makes it to rendered form...
Anyway, to make the long story short, once in a while I look through my old sketches and find some short notes that I wrote to myself as reminders. So last week I came across this rough thumbnail sketch that had the phrase ''well this isn't weird, at all'' scribbled next to it. I thought it interesting that I would write something like that for myself to find later and figured that this small sketch deserved to be rendered. So here it is... not weird, at all.

On a different note, Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! =).... And a moment of silence to all the poor turkeys out there. :-/

The holiday season is here! and if you are thinking of getting unique gifts for someone, click here to find some artsy stuff you might like. Or click here for custom iphone skins!

1 comment:

Frank, Berlin said...

no this is really not weired. its a physical phenomenon called "refraction of light" :))) (

by the way: your paintings are great!!!