Friday, December 2, 2011


Does everyone know what their name means?!
I always assumed my name meant ''Christmas'' as any other Natalies out there. I kind of enjoyed being named after a seasonal holiday that involves gifts, sparkles and flying deer. But then I did some extensive research and found the meaning for my actual name "Nata" which is very different. Surprisingly it does exist!
Apparently the name "Nata" comes from the Native American language. The meaning of the name is ''speaker'' or ''creator''. I also found out that Nata is not a popular name at all. In fact it didn't even make it into the list of top 1000 female names... Hehehe. Native American? Really?! Who would have thought?

Speaking of names, I did some more random research and found a name for my new illustration. Her name is "Crezette" which is an American name meaning cozy and warm. =)

...and btw, no animals were hurt in the making... the top one just got cozy and warm and fell asleep on her head.

*this illustration will become an iphone skin in the next couple of days! super excited to see it! =)

1 comment:

Maryam Alvarado said...

Hello Nata, i discovered you on facebook and i love your work, you are a great artist! congrats!