Monday, March 26, 2012

Le Chéile Exhibit (April - May)

It has been almost a month since my last entry (heh, sounds like a beginning of a confession), but it's not. =)
I've just been feeling blue lately and even though I have a lot of projects in the works these days I haven't been in the mood to share it all. Also, I don't like to post about things that haven't been confirmed and done yet.
Anyways, having said that, I do have some news, especially for those in the NY area...
I will be displaying a lot of my art at a nice spot called "Le Cheile", uptown Manhattan.
I'm spending this week figuring out which of my paintings will make the cut. I do have the potential of having about 30 pieces in the show. Some small, some large, some new and some old. I think it will look great.
So do stop by and check out this awesome spot anytime in the months of April and May to see my art all over the walls. Oh, and they also have great food, and a reaaally nice bar. =) just sayin...

more details to come on facebook...

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